March 2020
Sending Hope on the Spring Equinox
Dear Friends and Colleagues-
As mentioned in my previous post, that while my everyday travels and sales appointments have been curtailed, I want you to know that I am still working for you. If you need a sample, product information, or trouble shooting, I am available by phone, email, text, Facetime and Zoom.
In the meantime, for the next few weeks, every week I’m going to send you a gift. It will take many different forms, but I hope it will resonate with you and brighten your day. Last week was the Pea and Spicy Sausage Pasta recipe. Today, I want to celebrate the Spring Equinox (March 21st), a day of hope, and share a modern Seventh Wonder of the World.
Chicen Itza in the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico is home to a Mayan temple 1,000 years old. It served as a calendar, celestial guide and religious temple. On the spring equinox (typically on or around March 21st), the setting sun, casts a shadow on the corner of the temple, creating the illusion of a slithering serpent (Kukuclan), sliding down the temple from heaven. The Mayans believed the serpent returns to earth in the spring bringing gentle rains and hope for the planting season.
I thought the message of hope, today on the spring equinox, was particularly appropriate as we grapple with the impact of COVID-19. My wife and I were fortunate to visit the Kukuclan Temple two weeks ago at sunrise. It was a meaningful moment to be in the presence of a 1,000 year old temple as the sun began it’s ascent. I am hoping the best for you as the sun rises today.
Be healthy, be safe and know I am thinking of you, my friends and clients, during these uncertain times.
Let’s do some business and let’s have some fun!
Al Strickler
Strickler Medical, Inc.
804-347-1716 cell