April 2020
Mic Jagger In My Den!
Dear Friends and Colleagues-
I trust all of you are staying healthy and well as we continue to social distance and self quarantine. As mentioned in my previous posts, I want you to know that I am still working for you. Some clients have begun requesting training via video which we can certainly accommodate. Just let me know.
Has this happened to you? A familiar place takes on a whole new life during these times. My den, a place of chillaxing, has been the place of unexpected experiences. Just the other night, in a WHO benefit, Mic Jagger and his side kicks sang one of my favorite songs to me from his home. It was like he said, “Hey Al, I’m going to sing You Can’t Always Get What You Want for you. Amazingly personal. Better than being in Charlottesville for the Stones concert in October 2005.
Another surprising event happening in my den is the construction of the Eiffel Tower. Yes, the Eiffel Tower from France. This one is in Lego scale, but still cool to see as it starts to rise. It comes after the landscape puzzle was completed by the family and everyone wanted a more difficult challenge. The Eiffel Tower may be more than we bargained for.
My den has also become home to Zoom calls from across the USA, which has connected me to colleagues, old friends and family. While I miss the hugs of being there live, there is a high level of gratification being able to see my sister in PA without the 4 hour drive on car congested Interstate 95 North.
For all these new and exciting experiences happening in my den, there is still the comfort and contentment of the fireplace. In Richmond, we have had a few chilly nights when I light the fire and listen to the cracking of wood, relax and forget about home confinement. See what I mean below.
Be healthy, be safe and know I am thinking of you, my friends and clients, during these uncertain
Let’s do some business and let’s have some fun!
Al Strickler
Strickler Medical, Inc.
804-347-1716 cell