Things Have Changed
May 2020
Things Have Changed
Dear Friends and Colleagues-
Things have changed. Those three words have taken on new meaning. I called a prominent northern Virginia hospital last week to follow up with the Endoscopy Director on an inservice event and he was gone, his position eliminated. Clinicians have been furloughed, hours cut back, redeployed to other clinical areas, full time positions now part-time, and incomes have been impacted for all levels of staff. Hospital budgets have been turned upside down, capital spending frozen.
Things have changed. I called my Doctor two weeks ago and his office has been closed, shifted to online Zoom appointments. Are we never to have a cold stethoscope placed on our backs again with the words “take a deep breath” uttered? Will medical device Reps like myself have roles in the new healthcare space or will we be limited to Zoom meetings and emailing price quotes? What will the future of work look like?
Things have changed. I walked into a bank last week with a mask on and they did not call the police. My daughter graduated from high school this past weekend and her ceremony was cancelled so we had an “unofficial” ceremony in the back yard with masks. Not what she had envisioned, but it worked.
Things have changed. I listen with a new perspective now when someone presents a product or service to me as it may contribute value in our new business landscape. Old things are new and new things are new because things have changed.Those three words have taken on new meaning. As we adapt to the new “normal”, I hope that everyone will be open to all products and services because things have changed.
One thing that does not change is the fact that I am still working for you. I have performed client in-servicing virtually and the feedback has been positive. Please let me know if this would be helpful for you or your staff. I trust all of you are staying healthy and well as we continue to social distance and self quarantine.
Let’s do some business and let’s have some fun!
Al Strickler
Strickler Medical, Inc.
804-347-1716 cell